anodic activation

anodic activation
анодная активация

English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "anodic activation" в других словарях:

  • ГОСТ 9.008-73: ЕСЗКС. Покрытия металлические и неметаллические неорганические. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 9.008 73: ЕСЗКС. Покрытия металлические и неметаллические неорганические. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 23. Активация Иди. Декапирование I). Aktivicrung E.    Activation F.    Activation Обработка поверхности… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Fission product — Fission products are the atomic fragments left after a large nucleus fissions. Typically, a large nucleus like Uranium fissions by splitting into two smaller nuclei, along with a few neutrons and a large release of energy in the form of heat… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrochemistry — is a branch of chemistry that studies chemical reactions which take place in a solution at the interface of an electron conductor (a metal or a semiconductor) and an ionic conductor (the electrolyte), and which involve electron transfer between… …   Wikipedia

  • Activated carbon — Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal, activated coal or carbo activatus, is a form of carbon that has been processed to make it extremely porous and thus to have a very large surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear chemistry — is the subfield of chemistry dealing with radioactivity, nuclear processes and nuclear properties. It is the chemistry of radioactive elements such as the actinides, radium and radon together with the chemistry associated with equipment (such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear fission product — Nuclear fission products are the atomic fragments left after a large atomic nucleus fissions. Typically, a large nucleus like that of uranium fissions by splitting into two smaller nuclei, along with a few neutrons and a large release of energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Catalysis — Catalyst redirects here. For other uses, see Catalyst (disambiguation). Solid heterogeneous catalysts such as in automobile catalytic converters are plated on structures designed to maximize their surface area …   Wikipedia

  • Metal ions in aqueous solution — A metal ion in aqueous solution is a cation, dissolved in water, of chemical formula [M(H2O)n]z+. The solvation number, n, determined by a variety of experimental methods is 4 for Li+ and Be2+ and 6 for elements in rows 3 and 4 of the periodic… …   Wikipedia

  • Technetium — molybdenum ← technetium → ruthenium Mn ↑ Tc ↓ Re …   Wikipedia

  • Direct bonding — describes a wafer bonding process without any additional intermediate layers. The bonding process is based on chemical bonds between two surfaces of any material possible meeting numerous requirements.[1] These requirements are specified for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Cyclic voltammetry — Typical cyclic voltammogram where ipc and ipa show the peak cathodic and anodic current respectively for a reversible reaction. Cyclic voltammetry or CV is a type of potentiodynamic electrochemical measurement. In a cyclic voltammetry experiment… …   Wikipedia

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